Lokale | Storsalen |
Arrangør | ISFiT
Dato | 15. mars |
Tid | 17.00 - 19.00 |
Billett | Billett inkludert i inngang |
Aldersgrense | 18 år (student), 20 år (ikke-student) |
Weaponization of healthcare: Solidarity work for the greater good?
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is built up by physiological needs, safety, love and belonging, esteem and self-actualization. One thing that is a red thread throughout this pyramid is the importance of access to healthcare.
We are living in a world where the access to safe, transparent and trustworthy healthcare is an essential part of a person's well being and a country's ability to develop. The world is getting more polarized and power disparities are becoming more evident especially in the healthcare sector. What does international humanitarian law actually mean, what role does big pharma play in it and can solidarity work do more harm than good?
Healthcare is a fundamental component of development. It promotes economic growth, demographic transition through promotion of reproductive and maternal health care, family planning and so much more. Robust health care systems foster innovation and research, which in turn not only advance healthcare and health outcomes, but it creates opportunities for economic growth and development. Healthcare is fundamental, yet in some countries it is taken for granted, and in some it is fought for with nail and tooth, every single day. Join us in exploring such an essential component of our very being with an extraordinary insightful panel!
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