

Age Limits

Are you wondering about the age limits at Samfundet? Then you've found the right place! If this page does not answer your question, you can also contact us on our Facebook page.

  • The usual age limit at Studentersamfundet on Fridays and Saturdays is 20 years.

  • For members and students from universities and university colleges (with a valid student card), the age limit is 18 years. This does not apply for folkehøyskole-students and high school students, as well as apprentices.

  • Sunday through Thursday the age limit is 18 years for everyone, unless otherwise specified.

  • Concerts in Storsalen and Klubben, Society meetings, and other cultural events with tickets have age limits of 18 years, unless otherwise specified.

  • In areas where liquor is served, the age limit is 20 years, unless otherwise specified. These areas are: Selskapssiden, Lyche, and Strossa.

  • Members can bring a paying non-member of 18 years or older. The non-member does not have to be a student. (Remember to line up in the non-member queue)

  • The following things count as valid ID: National ID card, bank card with a picture, drivers license (including digital), Passport.
