
This job belongs to a closed admission, i.e. an admission that is either old or not yet open.

Editorial journalist at Under Dusken

Job as Gjengmedlem
This is an indication of how much work this job amounts to. A gjengmedlem is expected to work 10 hours a week, while a funksjonær is expected to work 20 hours a week. In comparison, funksjonærer have more benefictions than gjengmedlemmer.
at Studentmediene
Studentmediene (SM)

Got a lot to say? Something you're passionate about?

Do you enjoy writing? As an editorial journalist for Under Dusken (the paper magazine) and (the online newspaper) you are guaranteed a grand time. We have specialised editorial sections who each produces content to both aformentioned platforms. You will be working side by side with other committed journalists, illustrators and photopraphers.

No prior journalistic experience is required. Every applicant will be invited to an interview. In your application, we would like for you to elaborate on why you have chosen to apply and what your motivation for applying is. We would also like for you to give us a glimpse of who you are as a person and and what background you have. We welcome students from different fields of studies with different backgrounds.

PS: Please specify which section you would like to work in. This semester the following sections below are open for adimissions.

Any questions? Contact the editor of Under Dusken, Åsmund Hunderi Stemland (, +47 99537075), or the editor in chief of the Student Media, Maren Høgevold Busterud (, +47 410 63 201).


Are you socially engaged and enjoy writing? If so, we would like to welcome you to our news section as a journalist! As a participant in our section you are going to write for both our newspaper and our online newspaper. We write short news reports, longer articles, and everything between. Everyone has a say in what we collectively wish to cover, and through the news section you will gain unique insights into the world of media and publishing. Some of the themes we aim to cover are local and international student politics, student life in general, education, and foreign affairs. There is no need for previous experience with newspaper production. The news section is a group where we combine learning and fun in order to gain both professional and social output.

If you want to know more about the position, please contact news editor Emelie Kjærnli Kristiansen
(, +47 46941285) or debate editor Amanda Hytten Bjerknes (, +47 92424159).


Do you enjoy stories with an exciting angle and a vivid language? Feature is an important contributor to Under Dusken and, and is often the front cover material. Compared to the other sections, we write longer, but fewer articles, combined with narrative photography. We place great emphasis on portraying people and environments.

There is a great variety in the topics we cover and you are free to choose what to focus on. Prior experience is not a requirement, the most important thing is that you are dedicated and have vocabulary flair. You will learn everything else on the job.

If you want to know more about the position, contact feature editor Oda Sofie Mathisen Gallefoss (, +47 904 06 170).


Do you want to cover ISFiT, UKA and The Student Society? Perhaps you would like to review the latest books or take a deep dive in the cultural underground?

As a culture journalist, you work with creative, varied and challenging articles in a variety of genres, including reviews, news, reports and op-eds. You can immerse yourself in cultural expressions such as film, literature, gaming and art, set the agenda or explore the zeitgeist. In The Student Media's most playful editorial group, prior experience is not necessary – you learn quickly in an open and like-minded environment. If you are creative, interested in culture, engaging and like to write, we want you as a culture journalist!

If you have any questions about the position, contact culture editor Geir Bergersen Huse (, +47 997 85 888).

Research and consumer

Have you ever pondered upon which bugs you share your home with? What would actually happen to your body if you were to consume ramen noodles only, for seven days straight? And truly, what is the deal with male group behaviour, or so called “guttastemning”? By all means, do not let the title of this section intimidate you. We do not demand an academic background in natural sciences as a prerequisite to write about, say, Space X, the latest scientific news in cancer research, artificial intelligence, or the technology behind VR.

There are no prior qualifications needed and all that is expected of you is genuine curiousity, an interest in writing and motivation. Technical guidance will be provided as you go along. The Research and consumer section is a small, but close-knit gang with a lot of fun to offer. If this sounds interesting, apply without hesitation!

If you have any inquiries about the position, make sure to contact the editor of Research and consumer, Bendik Brodshaug, for a chat (, + 47 468 47 473).


Are you above average interested in music? Do you want to try out as a music reviewer? As a music journalist you will be given the opportunity to write about the music stage in and beyond Trondheim, review records and concerts, interview artists and write about other news within music. We keep ourselves up to date on everything from the local venues to festivals all around the country.

In this position you’ll work closely with the music programs on Radio Revolt, as part of the Student Media's joint music section. This is a closely knit group within the Student Media that can tempt you with a good work environment and a range of fun social events. You do not need to have previous journalistic experience in this position. This is the position for someone who is really invested in music, is willing to voice their opinions, and wants to share them with other students in Trondheim.

Do you have any questions about the position? Feel free to contact our Editor of Music, Tina Løvås (,+47 906 27 867).


Apply for this job

Ready to apply?

Write a little bit about yourself, your motivation for applying and your qualifications for this job. You don’t have to send in a full CV or references from previous employers - a short text is enough. We look forward to hearing from you! When you have registered as an applicant, you can log in and check the status of your applications. If you apply for more than one job, you must prioritize which one you want the most. Note that you will only be offered one job.

You must register before you can apply!
