
Area Skala
Organizer Samfundets Debattkomité
Samfundets Debattkomité (SDK)
Date 5. February
Time 19:00 - 20:30
Ticket Free entrance
Age limit 18 years

Onsdagsdebatt: Hva skal vi spise?

This event will be held in Norwegian.

There are many who disagree with the dietary guidelines and promote other diets such as veganism, carnivore, keto, intermittent fasting, or a whole-food-based diet. Several of these claim that their diet, among other things, improves general health or reduces the risk of cancer. The diets are justified in different ways – some with health arguments, others with moral arguments.

Should we reject the advice provided by the Norwegian Directorate of Health? Who should be the ones giving advice, and who should we listen to? Isn’t it confusing to choose a diet when all the diets claim to be both the best and the worst at the same time? Does everyone need to change their diet? How "healthy" is it really when food and diet become a trend? And what does "healthy" even mean?

The doors open at 18:45, and the event will be held in Skala. The event is free.

The meeting will be streamed on Samfundet’s YouTube channel. It will also be uploaded in its entirety to the YouTube channel afterward.

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